CUBES — Surgo Ventures

Surgo Ventures is launching a UK Mental Health Data Explorer: Learn more


To Change Behavior,
First Understand It.

Solving many of the world’s most stubborn problems depends on changing human behavior. Do it more effectively with CUBES, a framework for understanding why people do things the way they do – and how to help them change.


What Is CUBES?

A Journey and a Universe of Influences

CUBES (to Change behavior, Understand Barriers, Enablers, and Stages of change) is a comprehensive, evidence-based framework for analyzing human behavior. It shows how adopting a new behavior is a process of stages – at each of which people are influenced by factors internally and in their social environment.

How CUBES can help you

Make Sure You’re Intervening Where It Matters

Use CUBES as a blueprint when you’re tackling a problem, to ensure that your research and intervention designs consider all the factors affecting behavior. Or apply it as a checklist to make your existing programs more comprehensive and effective.