Causal AI

Find The Cause.
Improve The Outcome.

Turn your data into a clear road map for solutions, without the need for lengthy and expensive field trials. Causal AI identifies the factors that really influence outcomes – and helps you design interventions for maximum effect.


What is Causal AI?

A Map to Understand Cause & Effect

Causal AI is a type of computer science that helps us discover the underlying causes of a health or development outcome. It uses data on a range of factors to produce a map showing which factors directly influence outcomes, and which are less important.

How Causal AI Can Help You

Model and Test Interventions – Precisely and Quickly

Unlike other types of AI that only predict outcomes, our Causal AI software platform helps our partners get to the heart of why a problem is occurring – so you can design and test interventions in the lab to find the most effective one.